Monday, September 23, 2024

Post 6: EOTO


After listening to all of each one teach one presentation, the student I decided to write my blog post for is Will Scholtes. In his presentation, he discussed the history and impact of the radio. My knowledge of the radio up to this point was minimal, and I learned a lot regarding how it came about, who it was invented by, and its ever-lasting impacts on society. 

The radio was invented originally in 1899 by a man named Guglielmo Marconi. A few years later, Reginald Fessenden created the first long-distance radio, and finally in 1933 Edwin Armstrong discovered the FM broadcast. 

The invention of the radio impacted society in multiple different ways. The first way it changed our world revolves around the consumption of news. Before the radio, the only way to get news was via the paper. With this, you had to wait until you received the papers before being able to know the score of the sports game or pressing news, you did not get it in real-time. Because of the radio, people were now able to listen to their favorite sports team play in real time,

getting instant information about the game. In the sports world, this connected so many more people because you didn't have to be physically at the game to find out what was happening in real time. Another impact the radio had was music. The radio allows people to now listen to their favorite songs, and who doesn't love it when their favorite songs come on the radio. 

Lastly, the radio was now the newest, fastest, and most effective route of communication. An example of just how important this was comes from World War II. President FDR was able to effectively communicate what was happening to the American people, thus born the infamous "fireside chats". 

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