Monday, September 23, 2024

Post 5: In the Age of AI

 The Age of AI 


During our class, we watched the first hour of the "In the Age of AI" documentary. Within the time we watched, the video discussed multiple different aspects of the impacts of technology on jobs, humans, and data, and overall challenged the world to adapt to the new world we live in, one full of AI. 

AI is Changing Our World 

The first example of AI changing our world comes from China. China has made impressive technological advancements. Something I learned was these advancements China has been making will put them ahead of the United States by 2025, and the most advancement in the work by 2030. I was blown away by how fast China moved from minimal AI use in their society to where they are today

with multiple billion-dollar AI companies. They went from not having credit cards to shopping at stores where they use face recognition as a payment method. One of my biggest takeaways from this example is the lack of privacy. We now live in a world where it is nearly impossible to have total privacy, especially now in China with facial recognition. As much as this is a takeaway, it also is the thing that frightened me the most after watching this documentary. 

AI is Not Perfect

Later on in the video, the documentary highlights AI and technology replacing tasks that humans would do for jobs. One scenario they took a deep dive into was a family who are truck drivers. Their family have been truck drivers for generations, and they discuss the challenges that they face with AI, as well as the challenges AI faces with them. The idea of a driverless truck is something that has been in conversation, however, I believe there are multiple outside factors that point in the direction that it would not be possible. 

Whether you like it or not, AI will be a part of businesses and our lifestyles for the rest of our lives. It is now our opportunity to adapt and change to the environment around us. 

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