Monday, September 23, 2024

Post 4: Privacy, Online, and Off

 The Affects

After watching these videos, each and every one of them affect me and my family in some way, shape, or form. The first video, it discusses all of the different apps, websites, credit card info, etc that paint a picture of who you are and what you are about. These are also contributing to facial recognition, and have gotten much more accurate over the years. All of these different factors will be tracking me for the rest of my life, and it's important to be smart about what websites trust with my credit card information, and what I post on social media. 

Government Involvement 

Sticking with the first video watched out of the three, I believe there needs to be more government involvement in the privacy of consumers of technology. A company called has 18 billion faces saved online and was sold to Facebook in 2012. Also in public, cameras recognize faces and

trends about you. The example of recognizing what you like to wear so the salesperson can guide you in that direction is scary. The government needs to have more involvement in protecting humans from technology and major companies, our information has never been more public. 

Protect From Invasions of Privacy

As far as being protected with your information on the internet, it is zero. Companies are always looking to get more and more information from you based on your day-to-day activities using technology. If we want protection, we have to go out and get it ourselves. PGP is a process to give protection, however, it's not for everyone and really only for the tech-savvy. To give everyone

protection, privacy needs to be made more accessible. One solution was created by Andy Yen. He discusses making a private key for your information when communicating with each other. He believes it is possible to give everyone privacy due to its importance. 

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