Monday, September 23, 2024

EOTO Personal Presentation

The Typewriter 

 For the Each One Teach One project, the technological advancement I covered was the typewriter. Unlike other options chosen, this was a topic I really did not know a whole lot about which allowed me to gain lots of new knowledge about. In my research, I learned information about who the inventors are, the impacts they had on the way people communicated, what the typewriter led to as far as technological advancements in the modern day,  the issues it was trying to solve, and some negative impacts the typewriter had. 

Communications impact 

The first commercial typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes, Samuel Soule, and Carlos Gidden in 1867. During this time period, people were in need of a way to communicate more efficiently. In the current time period, written letters were the best way to communicate. The problem with this is it was slow and could have errors throughout. Thus the typewriter was created to help solve these problems. As time passed and the typewriter made its way into offices and homes around the country, the electric typewriter was created in 1920. With the electric typewriter, it was much faster and more efficient for its users, a positive impact on all parties involved. I believe the advancements it made in communication are the is the most important impact the typewriter had during its time period.  

Organization Benefits and Job Opportunities 

As the typewriter became more popular, it was used more in business settings. With the typewriter, businesses were able to utilize the typewriter to more uniformly and efficiently organize themselves, rather than all handwritten papers. They were able to standardize letters and documents which was greatly beneficial. Another important factor with typewriters was their durability. Originally typewriters were built out of heavy metals, making them very durable but maybe not so mobile. As the product evolved, slimmer and more portable designs were created. Not only did the typewriter help businesses, but it also created job opportunities for individuals in the workplace. The ability to type became a valuable skill to have, businesses now needed typists and secretaries to assist them. Typewriters were a common item seen in businesses for the next 100 years. It seems safe to say this invention had a major impact on the way communication and document standardization is in the modern day. 

Negative Effects 

Throughout my research almost all of the impacts the typewriter had were positive. Interestingly, one negative effect I did not account for was the noise in which the machine made. Each keystroke made a loud click sound. This could lead to a disruptive environment when multiple people are all typing away at once. I still see this problem in the modern day of people clicking away on their keyboards, so it looks like this effect is around for the long run. 

The Falloff 

The falloff of typewriters began in the 1980's. During this time period, the rise of personal computers surged, as well as the word processing system that came along with personal computers. This obviously was bound to happen to the typewriter as technology continued to advance, however, I believe the typewriter was a major stepping stone to how we type and communicate with each other today.  

Post 5: In the Age of AI

 The Age of AI 


During our class, we watched the first hour of the "In the Age of AI" documentary. Within the time we watched, the video discussed multiple different aspects of the impacts of technology on jobs, humans, and data, and overall challenged the world to adapt to the new world we live in, one full of AI. 

AI is Changing Our World 

The first example of AI changing our world comes from China. China has made impressive technological advancements. Something I learned was these advancements China has been making will put them ahead of the United States by 2025, and the most advancement in the work by 2030. I was blown away by how fast China moved from minimal AI use in their society to where they are today

with multiple billion-dollar AI companies. They went from not having credit cards to shopping at stores where they use face recognition as a payment method. One of my biggest takeaways from this example is the lack of privacy. We now live in a world where it is nearly impossible to have total privacy, especially now in China with facial recognition. As much as this is a takeaway, it also is the thing that frightened me the most after watching this documentary. 

AI is Not Perfect

Later on in the video, the documentary highlights AI and technology replacing tasks that humans would do for jobs. One scenario they took a deep dive into was a family who are truck drivers. Their family have been truck drivers for generations, and they discuss the challenges that they face with AI, as well as the challenges AI faces with them. The idea of a driverless truck is something that has been in conversation, however, I believe there are multiple outside factors that point in the direction that it would not be possible. 

Whether you like it or not, AI will be a part of businesses and our lifestyles for the rest of our lives. It is now our opportunity to adapt and change to the environment around us. 

Post 6: EOTO


After listening to all of each one teach one presentation, the student I decided to write my blog post for is Will Scholtes. In his presentation, he discussed the history and impact of the radio. My knowledge of the radio up to this point was minimal, and I learned a lot regarding how it came about, who it was invented by, and its ever-lasting impacts on society. 

The radio was invented originally in 1899 by a man named Guglielmo Marconi. A few years later, Reginald Fessenden created the first long-distance radio, and finally in 1933 Edwin Armstrong discovered the FM broadcast. 

The invention of the radio impacted society in multiple different ways. The first way it changed our world revolves around the consumption of news. Before the radio, the only way to get news was via the paper. With this, you had to wait until you received the papers before being able to know the score of the sports game or pressing news, you did not get it in real-time. Because of the radio, people were now able to listen to their favorite sports team play in real time,

getting instant information about the game. In the sports world, this connected so many more people because you didn't have to be physically at the game to find out what was happening in real time. Another impact the radio had was music. The radio allows people to now listen to their favorite songs, and who doesn't love it when their favorite songs come on the radio. 

Lastly, the radio was now the newest, fastest, and most effective route of communication. An example of just how important this was comes from World War II. President FDR was able to effectively communicate what was happening to the American people, thus born the infamous "fireside chats". 

Post 4: Privacy, Online, and Off

 The Affects

After watching these videos, each and every one of them affect me and my family in some way, shape, or form. The first video, it discusses all of the different apps, websites, credit card info, etc that paint a picture of who you are and what you are about. These are also contributing to facial recognition, and have gotten much more accurate over the years. All of these different factors will be tracking me for the rest of my life, and it's important to be smart about what websites trust with my credit card information, and what I post on social media. 

Government Involvement 

Sticking with the first video watched out of the three, I believe there needs to be more government involvement in the privacy of consumers of technology. A company called has 18 billion faces saved online and was sold to Facebook in 2012. Also in public, cameras recognize faces and

trends about you. The example of recognizing what you like to wear so the salesperson can guide you in that direction is scary. The government needs to have more involvement in protecting humans from technology and major companies, our information has never been more public. 

Protect From Invasions of Privacy

As far as being protected with your information on the internet, it is zero. Companies are always looking to get more and more information from you based on your day-to-day activities using technology. If we want protection, we have to go out and get it ourselves. PGP is a process to give protection, however, it's not for everyone and really only for the tech-savvy. To give everyone

protection, privacy needs to be made more accessible. One solution was created by Andy Yen. He discusses making a private key for your information when communicating with each other. He believes it is possible to give everyone privacy due to its importance. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression

 Post #3: Eight Values of Free Expression

  Which Value Resonates With me the most? 

 After looking through the eight values of free expression, the value that resonates with me the most is the marketplace of ideas. This expression allows people to express themselves and generates a more creative and interesting society. As Vice President of my fraternity, this expression has been a part of my role. Allowing brothers the ability to voice their likes and dislikes surrounding any topic related to the fraternity has been beneficial to the overall success of our fraternity. If I stood before my chapter and said how things would be without any room for discussion, they most likely would not like that. Instead, brothers can voice their opinions and allow everyone to have a say. One example recently within the fraternity involves a recent fundraising event. After presenting my original idea, the fraternity was able to collaborate and share their ideas to make the event as successful as possible. 

Which Value is the Most Important to me 

As far as importance, protect dissent has jumped off the page to me compared to the others. I interpreted this question as importance for all Americans as a society, rather than just importance to me. Without protecting dissent a minority group would never be able to promote their viewpoints or disagree with the government. An example that comes to mind includes protests. Protesting would not be a thing without public dissent and minorities would never see the change they want in the country. Currently, in this country, a minority group that is rallying is the LGBTQ+ community. Because of this, there have been advancements in inclusivity around the world in major companies and social acceptance. Some of these companies include Adobe, American Airlines, IBM, and many others. Without public dissent, this movement would not have been possible and we would not have taken the strides we did. 

What Value Do I See the Most In the Modern Era 

In the modern day, the value of free expression that I see prevalent is promote tolerance. Now more than ever before, people talk the most freely about how they feel about politics, current events, government leaders, etc. It feels as if you can't scroll through Twitter with someone voicing their opinion hatefully on a politician or any other controversial topic. Although it seems backward, allowing citizens to voice these opinions, although hateful, is better than not letting a person voice their thoughts at all. A recent event that created a ripple in the world includes the Donald Trump attempted assassination. This incident resulted in millions of tweets, Instagram stories, and news articles. In these tweets and posts, people voiced their opinions based off of the incident. Whether that had to do with the event itself, how the Secret Service handled the situation, or whether people thought it was staged or an inside job, people voiced their opinions which were mostly hateful or negative towards either party. 


Overall, these eight values of free expression all have their own importance which together are critical in protecting the free speech of American citizens. Promote innovation is the most personal to me, Protect Dissent has the most importance, and promote tolerance I see most in action today.

The Founding Era & the Idea of America.

Post #2: U.S. Supreme Court 

What I Learned

After watching videos one and two based on the U.S. Supreme Court, one thing I learned about the Supreme Court that I didn't already know is the number of cases the court receives versus the number of cases that the court accepts for full consideration. As these cases come in each justice is assisted by a staff of law clerks and secretaries to decide each case. Previous to this video, I was under the impression that if a case went to the Supreme Court it was automatically looked over and accepted by the high level of the court, so I was a little surprised to find out that was not the case. Thousands of cases are sent, just not accepted. 

Important takeaways 

The most important takeaway from the videos I watched is the fact that the judges of the Supreme Court can't walk into the office and see a problem and just get started on resolving it. These justices have to wait for these cases or problems to be brought to the court's attention. I learned that after some time
once an issue has boiled up, the court will go ahead and make a ruling. This was my most important takeaway because it helped my understanding of the Supreme Court the most. 

Most Surprising 

After viewing this video the most surprising thing I learned was the time it takes for the new justices to adjust and be adequate to the task. In the video, one of the justices discusses how long it takes. They state that a justice doesn't start doing its work properly until they forget they are doing the work and it becomes second nature to them. I was shocked when I heard this because the people appointed are

some of the most qualified people in the world for the position, and it still takes these people 3 or 5 years until they are adjusted to the position. 

Media Law Blog

Top 5 Sources of News and Information

    In the United States of America alone, it was reported that there are over 3,000 news outlets in which billions of people consume their news every day. In my experience of consuming news and information, there have been a handful of sources that take up the majority of my attention, while the rest of the outlets are not as prevalent to me. Below are my top 5 sources in which I consume my news and information. 

Source #1: Twitter 


    I believe that a person's top news sources change depending on what type of news they prefer to consume. For me, it is sports news and information by a landslide and Twitter is by far the fastest and most efficient way to consume sports news. For example, WR for the Dallas Cowboys CeeDee Lamb signed a four-year, $136 million contract yesterday. Before any sources like ESPN, FOX Sports, or Bleacher Report were able to cover this headline live on the air, NFL insider Adam Schefter had already posted the news to his Twitter feed. This is one example of the power Twitter holds when it comes to how timely they can get news and information out, especially in a world where everything is on a need-to-know basis. These are all reasons why Twitter lands the number one spot in my rankings. 

Source #2: Instagram 

    As an active member of Instagram for over 10 years, it has landed in my number two spot for most used news sources but for different reasons than the others. This source can be used to find out current information on topics and events happening around the world, but for me most of the news I consume on Instagram is what my friends and family are doing and keep up with news and information from their lives. Instagram also played a major role in my internship this past summer. As the head social media content coordinator, I spent lots of my day on Instagram marketing and promoting for my company. 

Source #3: Friends and Family  

    When it comes to current topics in the realm of politics, I am not the most knowledgeable of everything that is going on in the United States or around the world. I believe that the older generation like my parents, older relatives, and even older friends are more in tune with what is going on in the world. It can be nearly impossible to go to a family dinner without discussing politics or worldly problems, which is why friends and family come in at number three. Since they are more connected as to what is going on, they are a great source to learn what is happening in politics. This is probably not the best way to stay educated on both sides of a current issue or topic, due to the nonvarying viewpoints I receive. None the less it is still my #3 way of acquiring information and news. 

Source #4: TV

    For obvious reasons, TV has found itself in my top 5 news sources. There are a variety of different types of news to consume when watching TV. That could be the weather, politics, sporting events, or anything that is live coverage. For me, 99% of what I consume from live TV is sports. More specifically, NFL football. This is an alternate source for me when consuming sports news or media. An NFL sideline reporter covering if a player is in or out for the game is important to me, which is why TV finds itself in my top 5 sources. 

Source #5: GroupMe 

    Last but not least, the app GroupMe is another source I use for my news and information. The type of information I receive from this app is different from any other source I have. GroupMe is essentially one giant group chat with a group of people. With this app, I get news about things going on at school, what my group's events will look like, etc. All this info is more important to my personal life and things that affect my day-to-day schedule at High Point.